We aim to deliver your order within 1-3 working days. You will receive a tracking number via email to monitor the delivery progress.
Returns are accepted within 14 days of receipt. To initiate a return, please send an email to info@arabiansensations.com. Products must be in their original condition and packaging, including the intact seal. Return shipping is at the customer's expense.
In the rare event that your order arrives damaged, please contact us at info@arabiansensations.com, and we will assist you in resolving the issue.
Once an order has been placed, it cannot be modified or canceled. However, you may return the items in accordance with our return policy.
Yes, we offer international shipping. Please review our shipping options and rates during the checkout process.
For detailed instructions on using Bakhoor, check out our tutorials on our YouTube channel.
We provide fragrance samples with every perfume order (please note that samples are currently unavailable).
Our Discovery set allows you to experience the entire collection.
With our gift set, you can gift the entire collection along with a €100 gift card to help someone choose their favorite scent.
Arabian Sensations specializes in luxury perfumery products, including: - Bakhoor - Extrait de Parfums - Mabkharas