Arabian Sensations

Mica Plate

Mica plates are heat-resistant and serve as a surface for placing solid incense, granules, or essential oils. When the charcoal is hot and ready, the mica plate heats up, causing the aromatic substances on it to gradually release their fragrance into the air. The mica plate ensures that the bakhoor never smells burnt.

Mica plates are relatively easy to clean, making them a practical choice for reuse. Residue from burnt incense or essential oils can be wiped off, maintaining the effectiveness of the plate.

The mica plates serve as a base for the charcoal disc in our Geode Mabkhara, ensuring you can appreciate the beautiful geodes as you can see through the mica plates, without burning the geode.
Attention: The sizes of the mica plates for the Geode Mabkhara may vary from 50mm-60mm, depending on the size of the geode. 

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